Geoboo Song, Ph.D.

PLSC/PUBP/STAN Professor | PSJ Editor-in-Chief


  • Lee, Jeongyoon, Kun Huang, and Geoboo Song. 2025. “Exploring Power Imbalance in Reciprocal Scientific Information Sharing within a Hydraulic Fracturing Policy Subsystem.” Review of Policy Research (Forthcoming). (Link)
  • Kuenzler, Johanna, Bettina Stauffer, Caroline Schlauffer, Geoboo Song, Aaron Smith-Walter, and Michael D. Jones. 2025. “A Systematic Review of the Narrative Policy Framework: A Future Research Agenda” Policy & Politics 53(1): 129-151. (Link)
  • Borozdina, Nataliia, Creed Tumlison, Briana Huett, Benjamin Galloway, Heasun Choi, Camille Gilmore, Geoboo Song. 2024. “Navigating the Cultural Maze: Validating the Douglasian Cultural Theory Measures.” Journal of Asian Governance 1(1): 1-34. (Link)
  • Han, Seungjoo, Jongsoon Jin, and Geoboo Song. 2024. “The Relationship between Citizens’ Ethical Attitude and Cultural Orientation.” Ethics & Behavior 34(7): 491-505. (Link)
  • Galloway, Benjamin, Chad Zanocco, Geoboo Song, and Michael D. Jones. 2024. “The Effect of Policy Narrative on Policy Elite versus Public Preferences for Hydraulic Fracturing Regulation.” Review of Policy Research 41(4): 613-634. (Link)
  • Gies, Gabrielle, Karen Sebold, and Geoboo Song. 2024. “PAC Contributions and US House Votes on Pharmaceutical Regulations.” Midsouth Political Science Review 23(1): 43-65. (Link)
  • Song, Geoboo, Gwen Arnold, Melissa K Merry, Davor Mondom, Ben Galloway, Briana Huett, Camille Gilmore, Saba Siddiki, Holly L Peterson, Creed Tumlison, Heasun Choi, Meerim Seiitova. 2024. “Editorial Introduction: Policy Actors, Dynamics, and Developments – New Insights from Process Theories and Methodological Applications.” Policy Studies Journal 52(4): 703-707. (Link)
  • Song, Geoboo, Saba Siddiki, Melissa Merry, Davor Mondom, Ben Galloway, Gwen Arnold, Aaron Smith-Walter, Holly L. Peterson, Creed Tumlison, Briana Huett, Heasun Choi, Nataliia Borozdina. 2024. “Editorial Introduction: Unveiling New Dimensions in Policy Process Theory Research.” Policy Studies Journal 52(3): 475-479. (Link)
  • Song, Geoboo, Melissa Merry, Saba Siddiki, Gwen Arnold, Aaron Smith-Walter, Holly L. Peterson, Creed Tumlison, Heasun Choi, Briana Huett, Davor Mondom, Christopher Giller, Meerim Seiitova. 2024. “Editorial Introduction: Exploring the Frontier of Policy Theory Research.” Policy Studies Journal 52(2): 205-209. (Link)
  • Song, Geoboo, Melissa Merry, Saba Siddiki, Holly L. Peterson, Davor Mondom, Victor Kwaku Akakpo, Gwen Arnold, Aaron Smith-Walter, Creed Tumlison, Briana Huett, Heasun Choi, Eli Polley. 2024. “Editorial Introduction: Charting New Theoretical Horizons Here and Elsewhere.” Policy Studies Journal 52(1): 7-10. (Link)
  • Song, Geoboo, Melissa Merry, Holly L. Peterson, Davor Mondom, Briana Huett, Izehi Oriaghan, Creed Tumlison, Camille Gilmore, Gwen Arnold, Aaron Smith-Walter, Saba Siddiki, and Heasun Choi. 2023. “Editorial Introduction: Exploring Policy Theories, Narratives, and Policing.” Policy Studies Journal 51(4): 709-713. (Link)
  • Song, Geoboo, Melissa Merry, Nataliia Borozdina, Ben Galloway, Gwen Arnold, Aaron Smith-Walter, Holly L. Peterson, and Creed Tumlison. 2023. “Editorial Introduction: Exploring Theories and Subtleties of the Policy Process.”
    Policy Studies Journal 51(3): 469-473. (Link)
  • Song, Geoboo, Michael D. Jones, Holly Peterson, Aaron Smith-Walter, Melissa Merry, Gwen Arnold, Creed Tumlison, and Rachael Moyer. 2023. “Editorial Introduction: Punctuated Equilibrium, Multiple Streams, Environmental Governance, and Many More.” Policy Studies Journal 51(2): 237-241. (Link)
  • Song, Geoboo, Michael D. Jones, Melissa Merry, Holly Peterson, Aaron Smith-Walter, Gwen Arnold, Rachael Moyer, and Creed Tumlison. 2023. “Editorial Introduction: Contributing to the Policy Process Literatures.” Policy Studies Journal 51(1): 7-10. (Link)
  • Jones, Michael D., Mark K. McBeth, Elizabeth A. Shanahan, Aaron Smith-Walter, and Geoboo Song. 2022.“Conducting Narrative Policy Framework Research: From Theory to Methods.” In Methods of the Policy Process, Christopher M. Weible and Samuel Workman (eds.). Routledge: 137-180. (Link)
  • Jones, Michael D., Geoboo Song, Holly Peterson, Aaron Smith-Walter, Melissa Merry, Gwen Arnold, Creed Tumlison, Rachael Moyer. 2022. “Editorial Introduction: An Eclectic Collection.” Policy Studies Journal 50(4): 731-733. (Link)
  • Jones, Michael D., Geoboo Song, Melissa Merry, Holly Peterson, Aaron Smith-Walter, Gwen Arnold, Creed Tumlison, Rachael Moyer. 2022. “Editorial Introduction: Improving Policy Process Theory: Policy Feedback, Punctuated Equilibrium Theory, and the Multiple Streams Framework.” Policy Studies Journal 50(3): 479-482. (Link)
  • Jones, Michael D., Geoboo Song, Melissa Merry, Gwen Arnold, Aaron Smith-Walter. 2022. “Editorial Introduction: Multidimensional Policy Spaces, Policy Actors and the Policy Process, and An Update to the Institutional Collective Action Framework.” Policy Studies Journal 50(1): 6-8. (Link)
  • Moyer, Rachael, Geoboo Song, and Natalie Jackson. 2021. “Face Coverings During the Pandemic?” World Medical and Health Policy 13(4): 616-633. [Note: Selected as a lead article] (Link)
  • Jones, Michael, Melissa Merry, Geoboo Song, Gwen Arnold, and Aaron Smith-Walter. 2021. “Editorial Introduction: Policy Entrepreneurs, Science and Learning, Collaboration, and More.” Policy Studies Journal 49(4): 940-942. (Link)
  • Jones, Michael, Gwen Arnold, Melissa Merry, Geoboo Song, Aaron Smith-Walter, Rachael Moyer, Creed Tumlison, and Ben Galloway. 2021. “Editorial Introduction: Dealing with Changes One Way or Another.” Policy Studies Journal 49(3): 670-674. (Link)
  • Jones, Michael, Geoboo Song, Gwen Arnold, Aaron Smith-Walter, Briana Huett, Rachael Moyer, Ben Galloway, Manjusha Surampalli, and Creed Tumlison. 2021. “Editorial Introduction: Exploring Policy Diffusion, Collaborative Governance, and Policy Conflict.” Policy Studies Journal 49(2): 330-334. (Link)
  • Jones, Michael, Geoboo Song, Gwen Arnold, Aaron Smith‐Walter, Briana Huett, Rachael Moyer, Creed Tumlison, Ben Galloway, and Manjusha Surampalli. 2021. “Editorial Introduction: Reaching Policy Change: Theoretical and Practical Advances in Policy Learning Research.” Policy Studies Journal 49(1): 6-12. (Link)
  • Jones, Michael, Geoboo Song, Gwen Arnold, Aaron Smith‐Walter, Manjusha Surampalli, Creed Tumlison, Rachael Moyer, Briana Huett, and Ben Galloway. 2020. “Editorial Introduction: Advances in Theory and Practice of Policy Research from National to Local Level.” Policy Studies Journal 48(4): 866-872. (Link)
  • Jones, Michael, Geoboo Song, Aaron Smith‐Walter, Creed Tumlison, Rachael Moyer, Briana Huett, Manjusha Surampalli, and Ben Galloway. 2020. “Editorial Introduction: Examining Policy Change and Governance Here and Elsewhere.” Policy Studies Journal 48(3): 580-586. (Link)
  • Jones, Michael, Geoboo Song, Aaron Smith‐Walter, Rachael M. Moyer, Briana Huett, Manjusha Surampalli, Ben Galloway, Creed Tumlison, Markus Hinterleitner, John Lovett, Lisa Frazier, Brenda Bushouse, Derek Epp, Patrick Flavin, Jonathan Pierce, Christopher Weible, Scott Kalafatis, Andrea Lawlor, Elizabeth Shanahan, Elizabeth Albright, Sarah Anderson, Xavier Fernánez-i-Marín, Wei Li, Cherie Maestas, and Manuel Teodoro. 2020. “Advice and Consent in the Era of Global Pandemic: An Introduction to the PSJ Virtual Special Issue in Response to COVID-19 Crisis.” Policy Studies Journal Virtual Special Issue on COVID-19 Crisis(Link)
  • Jones, Michael, Geoboo Song, Aaron Smith‐Walter, Briana Huett, Rachael Moyer, Manjusha Surampalli, and Creed Tumlison. 2020. “Editorial Introduction: Governance, Citizenry, and Methodological Advancement in Policy Research.” Policy Studies Journal 48(2): 264-270. (Link)
  • Jones, Michael, Geoboo Song, Aaron Smith‐Walter, Rachael Moyer, Creed Tumlison, Briana Huett, and Ben Galloway. 2020. “Editorial Introduction: Discussing Policy Theories, Policy Formation, and Analytical Methods.” Policy Studies Journal 48(1): 6-10. (Link)
  • Jones, Michael, Geoboo Song, Aaron Smith‐Walter, Creed Tumlison, Rachael Moyer, and Briana Kordsmeier. 2019. “Editorial Team Introduction.” Policy Studies Journal 47(4): 848-853. (Link)
  • Moyer, Rachael and Geoboo Song. 2019. “Cultural Predispositions, Specific Affective Feelings, and Benefit-Risk Perceptions: Explicating Local Policy Elites’ Perceived Utility of High Voltage Power Line Installations.” Journal of Risk Research 22(4): 416-431. (Link)
  • Kordsmeier, Briana, Creed Tumlison, and Geoboo Song. 2019. “Ideological Orientations, LGBT Contact, and Formation of LGBT Policy Position.” Social Science Quarterly 100(3): 779-792. (Link)
  • Tumlison, Creed and Geoboo Song. 2019. “Cultural Values, Trust, and Benefit-Risk Perceptions of Hydraulic Fracturing: A Comparative Analysis of Policy Elites and the General Public.” Risk Analysis 39(3): 511-534. (Link) [Note: Selected as a lead article]
  • Zanocco, Chad, Geoboo Song, and Michael Jones. 2018. “Fracking Bad Guys: The Role of Narrative Character Affect in Shaping Hydraulic Fracturing Policy Preferences.” Policy Studies Journal 46(4): 978-999. (Link)
  • Tumlison, Creed, Eric Button, Geoboo Song, and John Kester III. 2018. “What Explains Local Policy Elites’ Preferences toward Renewable Energy/Energy Efficiency Policy?” Energy Policy 117C: 377-386. (Link)
  • Jorgensen, Paul, Geoboo Song, and Michael Jones. 2018. “Public Support for Campaign Finance Reform: The Role of Policy Narratives, Cultural Predispositions, and Political Knowledge in Collective Policy Preference Formation.” Social Science Quarterly 99(1): 216-230. (Link)
  • Jin, Jongsoon and Geoboo Song. 2017. “Bureaucratic Accountability and Disaster Response: Why Did the Korea Coast Guard Fail in Its Rescue Mission During the Sewol Ferry Accident?” Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy 8(3): 220-243. (Link)
  • Tumlison, Creed, Rachael Moyer, and Geoboo Song. 2017. “The Origin and Role of Trust in Local Policy Elites’ Perceptions on High Voltage Power Line Installations in the State of Arkansas.” Risk Analysis 37(5): 1018-1036. (Link)
  • Moyer, Rachael and Geoboo Song. 2016. “Understanding Local Policy Elites’ Perceptions on the Benefits and Risks Associated with High Voltage Power Line Installations in the State of Arkansas” Risk Analysis 36(10): 1983-1999. (Link)
  • Kester III, John, Rachael Moyer, and Geoboo Song. 2015. “Down the Line: Assessing the Trajectory of Energy Policy Research Development.” Policy Studies Journal 43(S1): S40-S55. (Link)
  • Song, Geoboo, Carol Silva, and Hank Jenkins-Smith. 2014. “Cultural Worldview and Preference for Childhood Vaccination Policy.” Policy Studies Journal 42(4): 528-554. (Link)
  • Jones, Michael and Geoboo Song. 2014. “Making Sense of Climate Change: How Story Frames Shape Cognition.” Political Psychology 35(4): 447-476. (Link)  [Note: Selected as a lead article]
  • Song, Geoboo. 2014. “Understanding Public Perceptions of Benefits and Risks of Childhood Vaccinations in the United States.” Risk Analysis 34(3): 541-555. (Link) [Note: Selected as a media campaign article]
  • Ripberger, Joe, Geoboo Song, Matthew Nowlin, Michael Jones, and Hank Jenkins-Smith. 2012. “Reconsidering the Relationship between Cultural Theory, Political Ideology, and Political Knowledge.” Social Science Quarterly 93(3): 713-731. (Link)